Motion design

Motion design is the art of giving brands a dynamic personality. We create animations that not only grab attention but also amplify your message and build a cohesive image across digital channels. From simple logo animations to comprehensive motion systems, we design with practical applications in mind.
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Motion design is the art of giving brands a dynamic personality. We create animations that not only grab attention but also amplify your message and build a cohesive image across digital channels. From simple logo animations to comprehensive motion systems, we design with practical applications in mind.

Dlaczego my?

Bo wiemy, że motion design to coś więcej niż efekty wizualne. To opowieść, która płynie, łączy estetykę z funkcjonalnością, zaskakuje i angażuje. Zamiast skomplikowanego chaosu, oferujemy precyzyjną narrację – każdy ruch ma swoje miejsce, każdy efekt ma znaczenie. Nasze animacje nie są pustą formą – są narzędziem, które wzmacnia Twoją markę.

Understanding Storytelling and Emotion

Motion design isn’t just a technique—it’s storytelling. We know how to use movement to tell a story that engages and stays memorable. Every element of animation serves a purpose, supporting your message and evoking specific emotions.

Systematic Solutions

We create cohesive animation guidelines that can be applied across various materials. It’s not just about isolated projects but a well-thought-out motion design system for your brand.

Tailored to Your Brand

Motion design must align with your brand’s identity. Every project is tailored to reflect your brand’s character, values, and goals. We create animations that naturally fit into your communication and enhance its impact.

Our projects

Co otrzymujesz?

Dostajesz animację, która przyciąga i utrzymuje uwagę. To nie tylko efektowny ruch, ale narzędzie komunikacyjne, które angażuje odbiorców i buduje więź z Twoją marką. Motion design, który pracuje dla Ciebie – skutecznie, dynamicznie, bez zbędnych ozdobników.

Animated Brand Elements

From dynamic logos to distinctive transitions and animated graphics, we bring motion to all the key elements of your visual identity.

Versions for Different Platforms

Animations optimized for specific channels, including social media, websites, digital signage, and presentations. Each version is tailored to the requirements of its respective platform.

Motion Design System

For brands requiring a comprehensive approach, we develop a complete set of animation guidelines and an element library. This forms the foundation for consistent motion communication.

Get in Touch to Estimate Your Project

Fill out a short form, tell us about your project, and we’ll provide you with a tailored estimate.