What are the characteristics of a good catalogue?

What are the characteristics of a good catalogue?

Not every printed catalogue will be a catalogue that sells. And not every one will be one that your customers will keep and return to. So what qualities should a good catalogue have?

Functionality and offer segmentation

Customers don’t like chaos. Divide your products into logical categories that make it easier, not harder, to navigate through your catalogue. Think of aisles and shelves – when you’re looking for a particular product, e.g. salt, you know that if you’ve reached the flour shelves, you’re already close to your goal. You group products together and expect the product you are looking for to be in that place and not another. What’s more, according to research by IQS and QUANT Group, the thing that irritates us most is the placement of a category where we don’t expect it to be at all. It is the same with catalogues. Your customers expect certain relationships. Your task is to listen to their expectations.

Transparency and clarity of communication

You don’t have to present all the features and exact details of your product. As a result, customers may feel overwhelmed by an overload of information – which is often irrelevant to them. Too many stimuli make us confused and unable to make a decision. So communicate only the essentials. Show what distinguishes your product or service and create your image in the way you would like to be perceived.

Visual attractiveness

The visual aspect of a catalogue is just as important as its content. If the catalogue does not interest the recipient at first glance, there is a very small chance that the recipient will reach for it and get familiar with your offer. The right choice of images, graphics, icons and other elements will help to create a catalogue that forms a coherent whole. Where possible, use diagrams and mini-infographics – after all, 90% of information sent to the brain is visual. We remember as much as 80% of what we see, while only 20% of what we read remains in our memory. So visual communication and its use in catalogues is the best thing you can do for your brand.

Catalogue and brand strategy

The catalogue is an extra member of your team. It works just as hard as you do for the success of your brand. So prepare ‘it’ for the marketing challenges and stick to the rules mentioned above.


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